

Product description

An all natural effective versatile oil. Used for hair growth, glowing supple skin and nourished nails - a win win win! Non- toxic. 100% natural. Approx. 60% of what you apply on your skin and scalp gets absorbed into your blood stream. It just makes sense to use something that is pure, simple, natural and safe for your health; your hair, skin and nails will thank you for it! Plus this also nourishes, strengthens and grows your lashes and brows. The addition of pure jojoba and grapeseed oil in this product makes for deep moisture penetration in hair, skin and nails. Buy 2 Momo Natural products today and get a free glitter lash and brow wand to help stimulate the growth of your lashes and brows!


Vitamin e enriched plant-based organic oils with addition of hemp seed and baobab oil