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PI intermediate pole made of stainless steel; the intermediate non-deformable pole on a flat base for flexible horizontal anchor lines in residential roofs; support materials: Concrete soles and insoles; steel beams; wooden elements; advantages: ul>; the PI pole passed the accelerated corrosion test in salt fog according to EN ISO 9227:2012; the PI pole has passed the PI It is tested for simultaneous use of 4 operators (type C) according to UNI 11578:2015 (permanent devices) and according to UNI EN 795:2012 + UNI CEN/TS 16415:2013 (removable devices); the horizontal flexible anchor system is tested on different types of support; the maximum acting force at the top of the pole is always ≤ 8.5 KN; the PI pole is indeformable and No need to be replaced after entering into operation (subject to acceptance of the designer of the work); Applications: Suitable for: Horizontal flexible anchor system (type C); with: rope; heat sinker; cable clamp; tensioner; tensioner (optional); Operation: Make sure the cover has adequate bearing capacity; otherwise alternative fixing solutions are available (see Chapter 9); secure the base plate of the base plate. pole to the support according to the indications given in the project to secure the cover; protect from the weather the fixing and the base plate of the pole using the Scossalina accessory; if the cover is double pitched use the molded Multibase MB holder to bring back the base plate of the pole; fill in the plant identification plate with installation date and lot number and place the plate Access to the anchor system; the span length between two poles must be between 5 and 15 m; use the horizontal flexible anchor system (type C) with individual protection devices (DPI) with maximum force transmitted to the operator in case of stopping 6.00 kN (600 kg); Technical specifications: Tested type: C; Weight: 21; Height H - [mm]: 500; Material: Stainless steel; References: EAN: 8001132054864 Fischer Code: 535775