Feature(may vary by option.)

●UNIVERSAL OUTDOOR SOLUTION - Our heavy duty tent pegs are the go-to anchoring your tent to the ground. From securing your camping home to hard stony ground, dense compacted ground or hardcore rocky ground, our mallet or screw tent pegs excel in countless outdoor uses.
●MAXIMUM GROUND PENETRATION - Conquer any terrain! Our heavy duty pegs with sharp ends ensure optimal ground penetration and provide the tension needed for a rock-solid foundation, keeping your tent secure even in challenging conditions.
●LONG-LASTING DEPENDABILITY - Crafted with galvanised steel and a tough construction, our hard ground tent pegs are built to withstand the elements, ensuring reliability and anti-rust performance for extended outdoor use.
●EFFORTLESS SETUP - Designed for user convenience, our ground pegs are easy to insert and remove, streamlining your camping experience so you can pitch your tent with ease.
●HARMONISE WITH THE WILDERNESS - The combination of galvanised steel and rugged construction grants our strong tent pegs the resilience to brave harsh weather conditions, making them the perfect companion for your camping adventures. Embrace the outdoors with confidence with our metal tent pegs.

[InTENTse 20-Pack with Case]

[InTENTse 20-Pack]

[Conqueror 20-Pack]

[InTENTse 10-Pack]


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Conqueror Intense Peg  Twister Screw Peg Mighty Peg Intense Peg Glow
Conqueror Intense Peg Twister Screw Peg Mighty Peg Intentse Peg Glow
Customer Reviews
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.3 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
Price £11.99 £25.99
Effortless SetUp
Material Galvanised Steel Galvanised Steel Galvanised Steel Galvanised Steel Galvanised Steel
Dimension H203mm x W7.3mm H203mm x W6.5mm H183mm x W7.3mm H230mm x W6mm H203mm x W6.5mm