
●The blend of organic acids, hydrogen ions and surfactants also keep the water drinkers crystal clear and germ free.
●Health Stimulant for Juveniles for Birds
●KD Powder, Acid water cleanser is a multipurpose water cleanser used to promote matural health.


Dr Rob Marshall KD Powder contains organic acids that acidifies the birds’ drinking water and the contents of the crop. The blend of organic acids, hydrogen ions and surfactants also keep the water drinkers crystal clear and germ free. KD protects the birds from germs in their food, water, and environment allowing them to thrive during times of natural stress, during the breeding and moulting seasons. Clean water is the most basic yet critical component of maintaining good health in birds. Dr Rob Mrshall`s KD Powder is ideal for ensuring your birds water remains sparkling clean and when used as part of an on going health programme, is the ultimate product to maintain optimal health without the use of medicines. KD Powder, Acid water cleanser is a multipurpose water cleanser used to promote matural health. It contains a complex blend of organic acids, hydrogen ions and surfactants that acidify the contents of the crop and help keep the drinking water perfectly clean. It is given at the first sign of illness to prevent the progression of illness whilst the exact cause is identified. KD should be immediately added to the drinking water when illness is suspected. At the same time, it should also be used to disinfect the cage or aviary and the water and food containers. The cleansing action of Acid Water Cleanser kills germs in the crop and `self cleans` the drinking vessels thereby enhancing a birds ability to repel disease in a purely natural way. KD Water cleanser may also be mixed with the bath water in warmer months as a natural insect repellant and feather cleanser, repelling red mite, quill mite, scaly face mite, flies and lice.