
●Xxx_9_ Più 2 is a versatile tool, usable with whole strings, half-strings and twinned strings. It is equipped with a "V" groove for better clutch control and also, thanks to a second snap hole, allows you to easily unlock and lower the second or second strings after the strings have entered tension.


CASSIN - Plus 2
For the insurance of the first team or one or two seconds (in this case it is self-locking)
Perfect in combination with HMS Nitro Lock or HMS Compact Lock carabiners
Diagonal cable to prevent chafing and rope jams
Xxx_9_ Più 2 is a versatile tool, usable with whole strings, half-strings and twinned strings. It is equipped with a "V" groove for better clutch control and also, thanks to a second snap hole (perfect for this purpose, the HMS Nitro Lock and the HMS Compact Lock), allows you to unlock and lower the second or second rope without difficulty after the strings have been tensioned.
Item Description
Min Rope Diameter
Max Rope Diameter
plus 2
80 cm
Double 7.6-9
single 8.9-11