Feature(may vary by option.)

●For the correct choice of a CB antenna, the following aspects must be taken into account: the attachment mode, the length of the antenna depending on the desired communication distance and the positioning of the antenna on your car or truck.
●The CB antenna is very important in the station-antenna assembly because it reproduces the quality of the transmitted and received signal. The quality of CB PNI antennas is already known by the very low SWR values.
●The PNI ML50 CB antenna is known for its performance and technical characteristics, and can be calibrated to an ROS of less than 1.2:1. The antenna length of only 48 cm, the vertical polarization and the impedance of 50 Ohms provide a pleasant experience for any CB radio station user.
●Communication distance is another determining factor in acquiring and using a CB antenna. The PNI ML50 offers the possibility of communication up to 10 km in ideal working conditions: calibrated antenna, open field without obstacles, the station with the maximum power allowed by law and with standard reception. Any obstacle such as: hills, mountains, buildings, walls can reduce this distance.
●Please note that it does not contain the PL259 connection socket in CB Radio.

[48 cm]

[85 cm]

[75 cm]

[57 cm]

[70 cm]


Technical details Product identification Product code PNI-ML50 CB workband Product color (tip) Black Coil color Black General characteristics Working frequency 26 - 28 Mhz Maximum power applied 600W S.W.R. minimum at the center of the band 1.0 Length 480 mm Impedance 50 Ohm Material: stainless steel Connector type SO239 Hole diameter (mm) 16 mm Cable length 3.5 m Weight 375 g Dimensions 45 X 45 X 480 mm Vertical polarization Working distance 10 km Operating temperature -1 1.6°C + 60°C. The package contains radio antenna, RG58 cable, 3.5 m, PL259 plug, no SO239 connector