Feature(may vary by option.)

●🧡 SUDS Compliant
●🧡 Helps water flow freely, preventing waterlogged ground
●🧡 Relieves hydrostatic pressure in the ground
●🧡 Retaining wall, abutment drainage and basement drainage & waterproofing
●🧡 Driveway drainage, roads and highway edge drains
●🧡 Driveway drainage, roads and highway edge drains




CORE Water Drainage Cells are made from recycled polypropylene and are extremely lightweight and strong and allow water to flow evenly across the surface, avoiding areas of water build up. When installed vertically and wrapped in a geotextile membrane they form a highly effective fin drain, incredibly thin and unobtrusive with immense water-flow capabilities. Laid flat they form an effective horizontal drainage void making them ideal for podiums, planters and rooftop gardens as a land drain. With a rapid install time and ease of transportation these cells are the ideal solution to sub surface drainage and for use in SUDS complaint driveways. The Cells can be connected together to form drainage runs into soakaways or lower borders. Perfect for: Driveway drainage, roads and highway edge drains Retaining wall, abutment drainage and basement drainage & waterproofing Roof gardens and green roofs Sports fields, golf courses and saturated ground drainage For any technical advice on installation or application, please dont hesitate to contact us here