
●Allows the player to practice almost anywhere.
●Low back pressure compared to other exercises (silency).
●It stays beautifully and accurately throughout the assortment
●Made from lightweight yet durable ABS plastic.
●Perfect for warming up before stage.


The reason Trevor Bremner has created the bed frame that during the years he had to practice in unfair times and in unwanted places (and the absence of proper sound of music). In the development for several years in its new Plymouth workshop, the Sshhmute is finally in commercial production and has been successfully started to meet the market needs of an effective shock absorber for brass instruments of a price class that is suitable for musicians and professionals. The muffler is made of lightweight but durable ABS plastic, without breaking or falling out of the parts. Perhaps one of the main advantages of Sshhmute design compared to other silent interference is the very low amount of counterpressure. This allows for better airflow while the neck musculature opens and develops the neck muscles. The shock absorber is maintained throughout the range.