

Product Description

Former Riverdance star Michael Flatley stars in his new dance show, full of hypnotic dance rhythms and flamboyant costumes.

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Billed as an updating and retelling of Irish folk legend, Lord of the Dance is less Erin Go Bragh than Hooray for Hollywood. Michael Flatley, lately of Riverdance, gives us the old razzle-dazzle, fashioning a Celtic-influenced spectacular that wanders faraway from its Riverdance roots. The light-show presentation is closer kin to another contemporary Irish musical group, U2. Flatley himself has gone designer chic. With close-cropped haircut, earring, buffed abs,and tight black pants he bears more than a passing resemblance to Bono. But you have to hand it to the guy--he works hard for the money, as does his attractive corps. The one maddening aspect of this glitzy, entertaining 90-minute festival is the overzealous editing. No image remains on screen for more than a few seconds. Neither Flatley nor his talented troupe deserves to have such craftsmanship sliced and diced like an MTV music video. --Richard Natale