Feature(may vary by option.)

●Not since the early days of the sport has a single goggle design brought so much innovation.
●Long ago, Oakleys founder developed and entirely new goggle that became a mainstay in the sport for 17 years.
●You are now looking at the future of MX goggles.Engineered for the Oakley Airbrake MX Goggles.Made of the finest optical grade Mylar®.Provides the clearest, cleanest view of the course without optical distortion.Reduced refraction.Layering technology


Oakley was created for world-class athletes, those who see the limits of possibility as just another challenge. Their dedication drives us to look beyond the conventional ideas of industry standards. Its in our DNA to identify problems, create inventions, and wrap those inventions in art. And simply to make things better than anyone thought possible.