Feature(may vary by option.)

●<li>Excellent rapport qualité-prix!</li>
●<li>Couleurs vives.</li>
●<li>Mélanges parfaits.</li>
●<li>Encres métallisées sans sédimentation.</li>

[Unique Complementary Assortment]

[Unique Basic Assortment]


Description du produit

Choose from the 4 gold templates your favorite illustration, to create beautiful 20 x 25 cm paintings with colorful reflections! For the youngest, the scraper scratch kits are a creative and fun activity, they develop their artistic sense and offer them a superb illustration at the end of the production. A gift to give to someone who loves animals and everything that sparkles? Do not hesitate, you will be thankful!

Contenu du coffret

Cet assortiment contient 6 flacons de 250mL: Vert, Bleu Outremer, Jaune, Rouge, Sienne, Noire.