Feature(may vary by option.)

●25% more performance than common odor filters
●Coconut Activated Carbon is considered the best alternative to eliminate odors of organic and vegetable type.
●Its low weight makes them more manageable and comfortable in the Hour of Montarlos. facilitating its installation.
●Made in: China

[150mm 460m   3h]


Proactiv Activated Carbon Filters are extremely reliable in removing unwanted odours in the air. are lighter, smaller, more efficient and safer than conventional carbon filters. Proactiv filters only use virgin coconut fiber to make activated carbon. It is considered the best activated carbon to eliminate organic odor. Since the activated carbon particles used in proactiv filters are very small (Ø 0.4 to 0.8 mm), the neutralisation surface is much larger in comparison with traditional carbon filters. Multi-layer wool rugs are sealed hermetically in the base and cover, preventing accidental air ingress (without filtering). The wool mat technology significantly reduces the air pressure so that the air flow is much greater in comparison with conventional carbon filters. After filtering, the air extracted is very clean and free of coal dust, this is very important for producers who use the non-renewed air technique using air-cooled reflectors. Working with multi-layer technology of wool, forces users to be more aware with the level of humidity in the working area. A level higher than 65% humidity in the working area, wool carpets of several layers to achieve faster preservation than conventional carbon filters where conventional filters lose more efficiency. The innovative design of the flange and the base of the proactiv filters simplify its use and installation. It can be directly from your pronounced without having to hemispherical filter strings or bands. – Its low weight makes them more powerful and comfortable in the time of montarlos. facilitating its installation. – Its innovative hanging system is very. because it facilitates its anchoring thanks to the two orificios. located at both ends for this purpose. Apart from speed and ease of enganche. with this system do not lose surface of aspiración. as in the tradicional filters. because they do not need fastening straps that surround them and try them partially. – Pressure loss is up to 75% lower than conventional filters thanks to the activated carbon button. – exceptional weight/rendimiento ratio. is the result of knowledge and latest developments.