Feature(may vary by option.)

●Very fine oil distilled 3X so that it penetrates deep into your chain between rivets and links...
●Our unique formula deeply penetrates and cleans your chain, chasing away moisture, dust and grime. This unique formula replaces them with a mixture of lubricants and Wax (peaty secret sauce).

[120ml Simple]


Born in the laboratory and raised between bands, Peatys Link Lube is an ultra high speed chain oil with fresh mint, triple distillation, for use in all conditions. Our unique formula deeply penetrates and cleans your chain, removing moisture, particles and grime and replacing them with a unique blend of oils and waxes (Peatys Secret Sauce) to lubricate and protect. Yes, you read that right! Peatys Link Lube actually cleans your chain as you use it! KEY FEATURES - - Triple Distillation, Ultra-Fast Mint Fresh Chain Oil for use in all conditions - The unique two-part "shake to wake up" formula deeply penetrates and cleans inside your chain, removing moisture, grains and grime - and replacing them with a proprietary blend of oils and waxes. - Clear tip on applicator cap so lubricant can be seen filling chamber just before it drips out. - The rounded tip of the applicator cap rolls easily over the chain during application - The unique, large and thin bottle has the shape of a pen in your hand for ease of application. - Triple distillation, ultra-fast and minty fresh chain oil for use in all conditions Application - 1. Always thoroughly degrease your transmission before applying fresh lubricant. For best results, use Peatys Drivetrain Degreaser. 2. Be sure to thoroughly wash your chain with clean water after degreasing (the degreaser is designed to eat chain oil after all). 3. Remove as much water as possible from the chain - a quick wipe with a clean cloth will do. 4. Shake the bottle well to evenly distribute the secret sauce. 5. Apply lubricant while rolling back the chain (e-bikes will need to be pedaled forward on a bracket) making sure each link is properly covered. 6. Keep running the chain for about 10 seconds to help the lubricant enter your chain. 7. Carefully wipe any excess lubricant from your chain using a clean cloth (excess oil on the outside of the chain will attract dust in dry conditions). Tips - 1. In wet weather, leave a small amount of lubricant outside the chain for longer lasting protection. 2. When first using with pre-used chains, you may find that your chain goes black - its the LinkLube that drives dirt from the bottom of your channel. Just keep rolling, degreasing, lubricating and repeating until your chain is clean and shiny again! Caution - Do not use LinkLube (or any other lubricant for that matter!) on your brakes or brake pads.